Pint features for XR?
Love the Pint concept and new cool features! First, that wheel handle is super cool. Anyway we could get that on the XR or an XR version of it?
Second, the battery light bar, foot pad...Super exciting day for OneWheel, great job!
Add the Simplestop option to this list!
The handle must be purchased for the Pint; it's not included or free.
Look at the Silver Handles on Craft & Ride's website for the OW+ & XR. I love mine.
@skyman88 The fact that the handle is not included kind of sucks, TBH, since they removed the nose handle. So they are FORCING you to get a handle, if you want to ever easily carry the damn thing. The Pint's smaller and lighter, but 24 lbs. is still 24 lbs.
Ggoblinglider 13 March 2019, 12:53 UTC
The handle is included, you can just upgrade to the pro handle or a color handle if you want.
@goblinglider I don't think so. The site makes it look that way (and I think that's gonna bite FM in the butt), but I don't see any colored handle options, and the "base" handle pictured is also described as magnetic and looks exactly like the "pro" one to my eye. We'll see I suppose.
Does anyone know if this handle can be attached to the XR? How much do they cost if not included? Is the motor on the Pint smaller than XR. Probably since wheel is smaller!
Ggreengorilla @WildmanXL 13 March 2019, 23:16 UTC
specs I read indicate motor is same (both models list 750W hypercore motor ) .
@goblinglider - my apologies, you are correct, there is an included integrated handle, there are colors available, and the Pro is an upgrade. He talks about it a minute or two from the end of this video:
@Glyph on future motions website I zoomed in and it looks like the pro might have a rubberized grip insert.
Ddhreiss 14 March 2019, 19:09 UTC
The ability to toggle the Pint's "Simple Stop" technology would be nice on the XR, too.
EEnterusername 14 March 2019, 23:25 UTC
I really like the Two - x idea someone mentioned for the Pint. Mini Me XR !!! I want one!
Ccojobi @WildmanXL 15 March 2019, 16:24 UTC
Yes, I love it too. Perfect for those who have been sitting on the fence due to cost of the XR. Could someone explain if there could be the possibility of range extension with an add-on battery in the future? Thanks
Ssidjtd @skyman88 16 March 2019, 17:45 UTC
@skyman88 The handle is included. They also sell a PRO handle for different colors and also a rubber thing to make it comfy if you so prefer.
Kkd6tav 16 March 2019, 17:46 UTC
Does the pint throw people off as well??
@kd6tav nosedives are complimentary.. no extra charge.
Kkd6tav @stinkyface 17 March 2019, 14:38 UTC
@stinkyface thanks. Can i backcharge my pain and loss of other activities? 😂