SandSurfing or SandBoard
Hey Onewheel Tribes, Check out this video and tell me what's the best name for this. -
Aren't you worried about getting sand in the motor/bearings? I have not gotten my pint yet, so not sure how sealed it can be.
DDaymos @Rocketeer 18 June 2019, 15:49 UTC
@Rocketeer thats what i was thinking although it look pretty cool and fun to do.
I see your Pint date is 3rd July.. i bet you cant wait.
My date is 5th August... im really hoping you guys get it so then it means ill be next :)
PS I also bought similar accessories to you but i didn't get the extra handle and i didn't get the fast charger because for 50 mins fast charge compared to 2 hours normal charge isn't much a difference for the way ill be using the pint... I'll be either local journeys or ill drive to a location and them use the pint
HHanahsDax @steeve 19 June 2019, 03:00 UTC
@steeve I love it. Keep killing it Steeve. Sand surfing is my vote. Help me decide if this is rock hopping or rock crawling...
In this case,It's both Rock hopping and crawling.
Nice! -
It's not been any issues with sand in bearing in my V1 and XR at all.
BBenb74 20 June 2019, 08:49 UTC
I have just seen this, don't know the value