Real time Watt usage.

Product Wishlist

  • Sponge315 2 August 2019, 14:58 UTC

    I know that the board does this as part of the pushback calculations. I would be interested in seeing this info as an option in the app.
    And while I'm here I'll add my vote to the app disabling the board as theft protection. I mean my car fob does this and it is worth less than my OW.

  • stinkyface @Sponge315 2 August 2019, 23:14 UTC

    @Sponge315 the app does give you Amphours in realtime. If you multiply that by an average voltage you will get watthours.

    I used this to work out that my 16km daily commute costs me 4.23 cents per day! 🙃

  • Sponge315 17 August 2019, 22:54 UTC

    I can see that under board settings it tells you Ah used for the current trip I am not seeing a real time current meter. Am I not looking in the right place? And while that is possible to do the math with trip amps, it isn't very "Real Time". I would like to see how power usage changes with speed, and up or down hills.

    I did go and ride the OW for one mile to get some rough numbers.
    Conditions=Pretty flat street, several starts and stops.
    AH used = .3197
    AH regen = .0378
    Mode 8 (Delerium)
    Battery voltage = 58.7
    Power rate locally = $.082/kWH

    (A little math)
    .3197-.0378=.2819 AH actual used
    .2819x58.7v = 16.5475 WH used/1000 = .0165475 kWH used X $.082= $0.001357/mile
    1/.001357 = 736.9 miles per $1.00
    0.001357 X 4.6 (my commute) = $0.006242/day (as if that is all I ride it in a day)

    Not too shabby considering it cost me about $0.82 to drive my old 4Runner to work and back.


    That is likely not real accurate since my sample size here is 1 mile and there is a rather large hill to climb (and Regen)

    Which brings me back to my original wish. I know that the OW motor is conservatively rated at 750 watts. I would like to be able to see just how hard it is working at a given moment. Going with their obscure naming system they could call it the "nerdvana" tab, or something. Or even just a little bar graph like most every EV car has. The math and coding would be a really easy addition to the app.

  • stinkyface 18 August 2019, 02:44 UTC

    Yeah all good, i didn't read into your first statement that you were after instantaeous current. For sure the data is in the controller, just not displayed.

    I'm not so sure that current is used for pushback, in my mind, high current would trigger the protection system (causing a nosedive). I think pushback is more general and based on soft signal limits like speed and any alarms from the BMS. I think this because pushback comes in at a consistent speed, regardless of current which would be different for an uphill vs downhill case.

    Also explains why nosedives are more frequent at low battery voltage. Lower voltage means higher current for a given power requirement.

    Current protection is very common in motor protection controllers.