2020's Summer Fashion Statement
KKielanders 15 March 2020, 01:59 UTC
Okay, winter in the Great White North is coming to a close, another 6 or 8 weeks it will be wheel time.
I'm considering going with a different look this summer.
Last year it was 'Early Old Age Cringeworthy Sk8ter Dude Geeked-Out w/ Safety Gear'.
This summer I was considering one of the following:
- A Captain Jack Sparrow / Captain Morgan Look (completing the ensemble w/ stuffed shoulder parrot & foil-covered cardboard sword)
- A Spandex Clad Superhero (must be accessorized with cape, mask, & red calf boot w/ sensible heel)
You could go with full out zombie apocalypse . . . that way, if you nose dive the wounds will fit right in! :D
@Kielanders Capt Jack is what you want. Spandex and Old never works. Hide some safety gear under the jacket.
@stinkyface Flaunt some safety gear!
HHanahsDax @Kielanders 16 March 2020, 02:00 UTC
@Kielanders My vote is for the Captain Morgan look. Since low battery pushback ride outs are called Captain Morgan Slides it’s a no-brainer to me. Try to find a mini cannon or a helm to mount to the top of your fender. If you ride “fenderless” you can just cruise around with a fifth. In any case, the Captain Morgan outfit allows you to still wear a cape and some fancy footwear without committing to spandex. Have a “wheel fun time“ this summer.
Oh man, Spandex all the way!!
Pics or it didn't happen. -
KKielanders @Sponge315 17 March 2020, 15:39 UTC
I really want the cape, but Stinkyface is right - old and spandex isn't a great combo.
Plus, with the spandex I'd have to crotch-stuff to even come close to making it work - I mean, I don't want to look ridiculous.