Inner shin pain....
33tch3r 8 June 2020, 01:38 UTC
Anyone else ever experience inner shin pain (a tenderness) after riding the pint for a few days? I guess you could "medically" call it Shin Splints.
I have rode it at least 1-2 hours every day since I got it about 10 days ago.
I have heard of foot fatigue Which I don't get anymore and knee pain which I've never gotten.
Anyhow, I just wondered if anyone else has had this happen to them from riding a onewheel.
@3tch3r lots of new muscle activity in the early days of getting one of these. Stick with for a month, do stretches before and after. Then if it still happens try shoes/stance/concave pads etc.
Sometimes just relaxing works.....
33tch3r @stinkyface 14 June 2020, 17:33 UTC
@stinkyface Just got back from a foot doctor too. Apparently I barely have a arch in my foot and that is most likely leading to my pain. I got some orthopedic soles for my shoes and the pain has greatly reduced, almost gone.
@3tch3r When I first started riding, I had quite a bit of pain in my feet. I went through a few types of shoes and found some that work for me (Van's mid-top type), but what also helps is that occasionally, while riding, I will rotate my feet side to side, inner to outer edge, and that seems to have helped with conditioning the muscles.