Defective Battery
Ggolfer17 16 January 2016, 01:49 UTC
Every time I ride, my board shuts down after 3 miles. One the app, it says that I have 50% battery yet that I need to charge it. Anyone else have this problem?
@golfer17 You may need to charge it over night. A lot of people said the batteries need to balance out with a long charge if this happens. The Battery level (sensor) inside the board is connected to only one battery. So if that one battery is low or not fully charged inside the pack the board thinks it has low battery. This is what I have seen in the Forums and an over night charge fixes it 94% of the time :wink:
Ggolfer17 @Dude 16 January 2016, 01:55 UTC
@Dude Thanks man hope this works!
@golfer17 Good luck! I was having some battery issues early on too, but after letting it charge overnight the problems went away. After a couple of times doing that, the battery life seems to have gotten a lot longer, too.
Is it cold outside? Cold can affect the OW and make the battery drain faster
Jjoergknaf @Dude 16 January 2016, 17:48 UTC
@Dude I would not charge it overnight. I did this and now my board does not work. I know the user manual recommends you do this now and again. It backfired the first time I did it. The app says I overcharged the battery.
@joergknaf I didn't think you could over charge the battery?
@golfer17 do try charging overnight and contact support asap if the problem persists. I always leave my board plugged in overnight or anytime I'm not riding it. Since fm suggests doing this it specifically will not hurt your board but could help. It may not and probably won't fix the issue but support will get it working perfectly if not.
Jjoergknaf @Dude 17 January 2016, 13:36 UTC
@Dude I think OM needs to come out and be very clear about how long you can leave it on the charger. I followed the user manual and left it overnight (the first time ever) to "balance" and now I am am severely bummed. I even left it in the garage last night in the cold hoping it would drain the battery. If it ever comes back to life I will NEVER charge it overnight again, regardless of the instructions. There needs to be some sort of "fuse breaker" or whatever electrical engineers call it in the charge cycle/process.
@joergknaf you need to send it in for service, I leave mine plugged in all the time for days..
@joergknaf I agree with @parrothd I think it needs service. Like every one said here you should be able to charge it over night with no issues.
Jjoergknaf 26 January 2016, 09:57 UTC
I thought my battery issue was over when it woke from the dead an the OW turned on after a "Overpowered" reading. I rode it one day (one Charge) and after charging it for 30 minutes (I used a timer) it would NOT power back up. The App said it was charged 100% (not overcharged) but it was dead. I am sending the board back today using the Return Labels provided by FM. I hope they fix whatever is wrong and I have no more issues. I live in Germany so I hope they ship it Airmail and take care of the customs paperwork (they said they would, just not sure how often they have had to do this).
Jjoergknaf @Dude 26 January 2016, 09:59 UTC
@Dude You guys were right. It died one ride after waking up from the dead. I charged it for 30 minutes and that was it. It did not want to power up again. I sent it back today.
@joergknaf Sory to hear that, Im sure they will get it back to you fast. :smiley:
@joergknaf I believe that if you charge it overnight the first time, this will always happen. Even though they don't say anything about it, I wouldn't recommend to charge it overnight the first time, because the battery already came partially charged. You should charge it until the light turns to green, and then charge it overnight around a week after that (After you drained the battery and recharged multiple times).
Try this with your next board,
Sorry to hear about your board! -
Rrexmankramer 29 January 2016, 06:55 UTC
This post is deleted! -
After two and a half weeks of riding this beast I'm getting all kinds of weird battery issues (no battery, even though fully charged, overcharged, need some juice, etc.). Didn't modify/open anything and haven't been doing too crazy stuff. Am already in contact with FM to sort out the problem. My guess is that I'll have to send it in and wait for it to be repaired :'( anyone from Europe got any experience on the procedure? How much am I likely to pay to get my OW back and how long will it take? @fabuz
The leadtime depends from case to case, but I think FM will take care of all the transportation costs. -
@Polle well, that's at least one good thing to hear. hope it won't take too long though. and of course everything needs to happen when i'm on vacation and would have a ton of time. what a bummer.
@chabis, what is the temp where you are riding?
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