JWXR + FFM 2nd function test
SSenior Coffee 1 November 2021, 22:33 UTC
So I took the XR out for another function test and sort of range test. I posted in a previous thread about the JWXR battery and FFM chip installation. Similar to the first ride with the bigger battery, I was interested in mainly 2 items: How far will the board go on a certain amount of battery and also is the FFM chip doing its function of providing accurate battery percentage with the bigger battery pack. The plan was to ride and stop at 50% to see what the numbers were.
Once again the JWXR battery didn't disappoint. 17.5 miles to 50% battery. This tells me a couple things. I can easily get 30+ miles of range out of this battery pack since that's what the advertised spec is for a 200lb rider. I'm at 219lbs riding weight. I'm also pretty sure the chip is working correctly because 17.5 miles should be close to half of this particular battery pack once again going by advertised specs. I also noticed that the 50% battery alarm appeared at exactly 50% battery. I'll post a couple screenshots.
Here were my specs for the ride:
219lb riding weight
XR with 4209 hardware, JWXR battery and FFM chip
Burris treaded with 19psi
70 degrees and sunny
Flat paved trails and streets
13-15 mph speed averageScreenshot_20211101-114616.png