Self following drone for cheap

General Discussion

  • J-Glide 29 January 2016, 12:26 UTC

    I have been looking for a long time for a drone that would follow me while taking some awesome video footage. I found a few different models all around $1300, but none of them have obstacle avoidance. I just wanted to share one I found for $199 that does follow you, and has obstacle avoidance. I get nothing from them for sharing this just so everyone knows. I just wanted to share.

    When I get mine in March, I'll post some video footage.

  • simenlier 29 January 2016, 16:33 UTC

    Looks nice and cheap, I was thinking on bying this one:
    But now I dont know

  • T
    tomtnt 29 January 2016, 17:09 UTC

    all of these drones remain vaporware- years on kickstarter/indiegogo - long preorder process - no delivery.. wake me up when one is ready to be purchased.

  • E
    erikbsteele @tomtnt 29 January 2016, 17:10 UTC

    @tomtnt They're shipping out to backers in March. Everyone else starting April. Good Morning.

  • T
    tomtnt @erikbsteele 29 January 2016, 17:12 UTC

    @erikbsteele as I said - wake me up when it actually gets hear and not another delay...

  • simenlier @tomtnt 29 January 2016, 17:13 UTC

    @tomtnt Okay I will. What type of wake up call you want?
    Here is a list you can pick one if you want:

  • E
    erikbsteele @tomtnt 29 January 2016, 17:21 UTC

    @tomtnt 0_1454088081881_Drone.JPG

    Patience is a virtue.

  • B
    braswell 29 January 2016, 18:06 UTC

    lol I gotta agree with @tomtnt I'll be interested when its actually out and available in the world/ lives up to the videos.

    The other drones for 1300 aren't even doing this...for a reason, its hard haha so I don't think a $200 drone from a company with no history of successful drones will achieve it.

    I'm hopeful but not supporting anymore kickstarters with unrealistic goals.

    Here's a recent example -

  • B
    braswell @J-Glide 29 January 2016, 18:08 UTC

    @J-Glide come to Miami, I'll chase you with my drone :)

  • thegreck 29 January 2016, 19:37 UTC

    Hopefully the story won't end like most of these drone kickstarter things do:

  • njcustom @J-Glide 29 January 2016, 21:55 UTC

    @J-Glide I bought one the day it came on indigogo lol I should be getting it any day..

  • megabuen0 29 January 2016, 23:54 UTC

    Interesting! Reminds me of Zano

  • J-Glide @simenlier 30 January 2016, 05:21 UTC

    @simenlier that's the one i was originally looking at. I love it!

  • J-Glide @braswell 30 January 2016, 05:22 UTC

    @braswell sounds like a plan!!!!

  • fabuz 30 January 2016, 07:20 UTC

    I order the lily drone...maybe delivery for this summer...maybe not....

  • J-Glide @braswell 30 January 2016, 07:27 UTC

    @braswell I realize it's not a guaranteed success, but I am excited to try it none the less. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it works fine.